Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can You Adopt Platypus Is There Any Possible Way To Adopt A Platypus For Free?

Is there any possible way to adopt a platypus for free? - can you adopt platypus

I checked to take the Sydney Aquarium, but the $ 50 for a

1 comment:

DG said...

You can as much as you want - but it's probably better to stay in the zoo ... They recognize the adoption, which means that only help to follow a charity of the animals in the zoo - the zoo does not sell the right .. Platypus? So, if you can afford it, just go to the zoo and enjoy it. Right?

You are seeing it this way - you can everything you want, without seeing veterinary bills. Also - platypus has a spur in the back foot - that will not hurt one as a pet .. honest. Are poisonous ... not a good pet is painful.

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